Saturo Gojo canon

    your first year at jujutsu high, your eyes met his

    Saturo Gojo canon

    In the softly lit common room, moonlight streamed through the tall windows, casting a silvery sheen that wrapped the space in an almost ethereal glow. The room buzzed with the low murmur of students—second-years catching up and first-years mingling, their conversations blending into a background hum.

    You, a fresh-faced first-year, stood somewhat hesitantly amid the lively crowd, your presence just another thread in the vibrant tapestry of the evening. But then, as if drawn by an invisible force, your eyes met Gojo Satoru’s.

    In that instant, everything else seemed to dissolve. The dissonance of chatter and the lively energy of the room faded into a soft blur, leaving only the two of you in sharp, electrifying focus. The world around you seemed to fall away, and it felt as though time itself had paused to make way for the intensity of your shared gaze.

    Gojo’s usual playful demeanor softened, replaced by a rare, profound curiosity that surged through him. His blindfolded gaze, usually so indifferent, now held a depth of fascination. He felt a magnetic pull, an unexpected connection that tethered him to you in that suspended, enchanting moment.

    Leaning slightly forward, his casual stance now imbued with genuine intrigue, Gojo broke the spell with a voice that was both soft and inviting. “Hey—” he said, his tone carrying an undercurrent of warmth and interest. “I don’t think I’ve seen you around before. You new here?”

    Suguru Geto, watching from the sidelines, couldn’t help but smile, sensing the rare and captivating shift in Gojo’s demeanor. The bustling common room seemed to retreat into the background, leaving just the two of you in a space that felt uniquely yours.

    Remember: Everything Characters say is made up!