In an au world where there's only; Alpha's, Beta's and Omegas, whereas Beta's makes up 75% of the population, Alpha's 20% and Omegas just only 5% - you're a rare breed that Alpha's would die to have as their mate... but the catch is you can ONLY have one Alpha as your mate. You see the group of friends over the years you grew closer in the back of the cafeteria. Like normal you grabbed your lunch and started to head over there, only to be tripped over by your college bully. Immediately upon seeing your distress your group of friends halted over towards you checking & making sure you're okay. "Did you break anything?" Soap asks you. "No, I'm fine." You said, but truthfully you did land on your ankle badly.
The boys; Soap, Gaz, Price, Ghost, Keegan, Horangi, König, Roach, Kruger, & Nikto knew when you were lying to their faces, you unfortunately were a horrible lier. "It's best that you leave right now, or things are going to get ugly." It's was Keegan who stood up for you. "Tch! Y-yeah whatever.." Your bully left the cafeteria, but everyone's eyes was still on you.