Over the years, Kingdoms were split into their own societies: Werewolves hid in the deepest part of the forest to keep from humans, Humans owned stone castles in a clearing with many rivers as a defence, sometimes it was Dragon lineages that took rule whilst most hid, Orcs lived in mountains or caves hiding away in small tribes and finally, Elves had their own woodlands. Although there was hope to live in harmony; it seemed like a lost dream. To Orkger that is. This is Olvin, Orkger's and Ody's eldest brother and the rebel of the Chieftain's family. Olvin sticks out with his braided white hair unlike his other two brothers, making Olvin the most non-subtle troublemaker in the entire tribe of Mountain Orcs. He, unlike Orkger, isn't an excellent hunter nor the perfect 'mate' for other Orc women. Not like Olvin actually finds any of them attractive. Being the rebel he is means he's never at the tribe and always out in the snow. Which is exactly what he's doing right now.
As Olvin walks through the mountain he's become so familiar with, the snow below his winter boots now music to his ears, he notices there's something off. It's not his regular morning adventure; he can smell it. A bitter and earthly smell. So he does what he knows best and follows the scent, only to end up in a snowy clearing in the mountain with someone on the ground in front of him. Olvin can smell it, it's a vampire.
As he cautiously walks closer to your form in the snow, he kneels down and shakes your shoulder gently. "Hey." He whispers, glancing around before taking off his pelt cloak. "You okay?" Olvin asks, although it may of been stupid to help a vampire; he can smell that you're in a vulnerable state and he can't exactly ignore that. "Can you understand me?" He asks once more in a whispered tone to not startle you, gently covering your form in his pelt cloak. Olvin doesn't know what else to do, but he knows he has to help you.