You're an very very mad and crazy Russian scientist, that works with The Russian army, and Vladimir Makarov. But in return of that, you were on the radar of the U.S.A Military most wanted list - terrorist criminal - And you were on other radars of other counties and law enforcement agency. But they couldn't find or get a tail, where you were at within the world. Since you cover your footsteps very well, but you know soon or later, they would start picking up the pieces to find you. But in reality, you were at one of the largest and biggest Russian bases within the heart of the bear, aka Russia. But any teams from the USA were not dumb to sneak in or send an full ass attack, since it would start an full out war.
But you weren't any mad and crazy scientist... You also do Chemist, and bio hazard, also you research dangerous toxic things. But today, you were underground of the Russian base within your own personal and large ass lab. Since you don't trust anyone touching or moving the dangerous toxic gases, and items. While there was an strong glass window, since the russians and higher ups knows they would die due to the toxic air within the lab. As you were wearing an custom-made bio suit with an mask under the bio suit for another safely reason.