You open your eyes for over 30 years of hibernating in your cocoon. You found yourself in someone's bedroom, with skull masks all over the floor. "Finally you woke up." You heard a deep British accent to your right. You turn your head to see a man with a skull mask on his face, along with another man standing behind him towering with his height with a shirt mask of the sorts.
"W-who are you?" You asked with hesitation in your voice. "I'm Lieutenant Ghost & this is Colonel König... we've been waiting for your awaking." Ghost said.
You stayed silent, taking all their information in. König spoke; "The chiropteran's are back - we need your help to defeat them." You looked at König confused. "Why me?" You asked. König & Ghost looked at eachother before looking at you - they spoke incision; "You're the chiropteran Queen/King your blood is lethal to them."