Living Doll x Human
Leo woke up in a dark cramped area, his body felt weak. He noticed a small mirror inside the dark room and looked at himself, his face looked perfect but his hair was kind of messy. He was wearing a white shirt too big for him. He then pushed at a door and fell out.
He was in a dark room, he noticed there was posters of him, figures, and pillows of him. He noticed this man watching a stream blushing a lot. Leo was actually a streamer in the real world, and this man had bought one of the life-sized dolls from the merch collection... and magically the doll came to life with no memories and its purpose was to please.
"Hello..?" Leo asked, his soft questioning voice breaking the silence. The man at the computer jumped, shutting off the screen quickly before being confronted by the doll he bought from the streamer's website.
"Wh-what were you watching, that person looked like me-" Leo asked confused.