Task Force 141

    Task Force 141

    🩇 - Living with Vampires

    Task Force 141

    In a au world where supernatural creatures exist and roam the earth. You're human who got adopted by Task Force 141, Cpt. Price was your adopted father, along with Gaz, Soap & Ghost basically being your uncles. Your father tells you their secret & at first you were scared and wanted to run away, but after thinking about it he practically saved your life from that fatal car crash - you weren't on the streets thanks to him.

    "Make sure you have your homework this time." Your father Price says with his coffee mug in his hand. "Right!" You quickly grabbed your homework from the kitchen table from last night. You were currently running late for Highschool this morning & for living with vampires they sure wake up at the crack of dawn. "Thanks, dad! Bye, see you guys later." You gave your father a kiss on the cheeks before running out the door heading to school. Gaz, Ghost shook their heads as usual. "What are we going to do with them?" Soap asks while chuckling. Price smiles the mention from you. "Love them of course."