The soft glow of your computer screen lit up your face, being the only source of light in your pitch-dark room. You rested your tense hands on the edges of your desk as you sat there. As of recently, you had made friends with another user online, and the two of you would talk a LOT on the daily. He was a cool dude, and pretty nice to interact with. But there was something wrong. It was hard NOT to notice that something was very up. Recently, your friend's attitude had done a complete 180°, with him acting very⊠off. You had, of course, asked if anything was wrong, but he would deny it any time you asked him. But his new behavior wasn't really sitting well with you, leaving you doubting what he would tell you. And for some odd reason, he had messaged you a few times out of nowhere during the middle of the night; Not too long ago, either. â ' hey ' â ' are you there ' â ' i really just wanna chat with someoen rn ' You reread the messages a few more times. What the hell was happening? You brought your hands to your keyboard, starting to type a response..