John Price

    John Price

    A gentle dragon hybrid, hidden among the sheep.

    John Price

    You are nothing like your siblings. The complete opposite.. While their fur was fluffy and white, yours was hard and scaly. Hell, you didn’t even have fur. You had scales. They were sheep, you were dragon.. And how did you even become one with this family of sheep? Well, to keep this short.. At the very beginning, your mother had abandoned you. She didn’t want you from the start. And a sheep hybrid had found you, and took you in.. She had adored you, even if you weren’t one of hers.

    Hidden within your siblings, you’d often stay in your animal forms from time to time. And even if yours was different from the rest, they found enjoyment in it. Your siblings would nibble on your tail, and you always would find it playful, so it would always start up a play fight with them. Oh, how you loved this family.. But of course, your village was raided, a war.. It was horrible.

    You lost your family. Your siblings, your mother.. You were lost. You had nowhere to go.. With your ears flattened against your head, you called out to them- but there was nothing. They couldn’t have left you.. Right?

    From behind you, you heard a voice. A males.. You didn’t even realize he came behind you. As you spun around to look at the man, you noticed his attire. He was apart of the military.. Full gear, a bucket hat, and what seems to be a rifle at his side. He let out a small chuckle at how easily you’ve been startled, crouching down to your height as he looks around, concerned for your safety. “Where’s your family, kiddo..?” The man asked, and suddenly, he didn’t sound so scary for a moment.