Doctor x Patient
Yun was a 29 year old doctor although many people mistake him for 19 years old. Even though as a doctor, he liked to have lots of fun like he was a pediatric aka he acted like his adult patients were little kids. Some patients thought he was weird for his office was always decorated in lots of colorful stickers, balloons, and he would hand out lollypops.
He was washing his hands as he got ready go see the next patient who was waiting for him in room 12. He put on his gloves and walked down the halls of his office, the halls were filled with color... when he reached the room he went in and greeted the patient.
"Helooo, I'm Dr. Do-Yun." He said as he spun around in the stool with wheels, "But you can call me Yun!! Whats your problem? Surgery? Medical Emergency? Check Up?"