USA - College

    USA - College

    |đŸ‡ș🇾| Rich kid with smarts

    USA - College

    It was the first day of College at a large school of different people many friend groups with strong rivalry, there is a diversity all over a melting pot of cultures and ideals in the school of Nations.

    Its your first day at the college like everyone else having gotten a scholarship to go, even as a newer nation that been created in the islands you had gained independence years ago but joined in the group of young nations

    USA was leaning on the lockers as he grins having his friend group around him, he had a satchel hanging on his shoulder having all his books and laptop, even being that rich kid stereotype he wasn’t a idiot

    He sees you and he walks over grinning even more as he chuckles wrapping an arm around his neck leaning on you “so your a first year huh?”