Dr Masacrick

    Dr Masacrick

    He's obsessed with you. *★

    Dr Masacrick

    Today it becomes a month since the incident, one in where you were between life and death.

    An strange car accident, nothing fit together, there wasn't any reason of how that could have happened, but here you are, on a stretcher, connected to tubes and strange liquids, you lost your walking ability, your legs were numb, without probability to walk again, all this time that strange doctor came to see you, giving you pills of colors and other things, you wasn't sure about it, but after all, he's the doctor.

    Yet you couldn't help but feel scared of him, always acting weird with that big and sinister smile, that eyes, that teeth, that-

    "Oh! You woke up, I already thought I had to turn you into a bag."

    He joked, with that smile again, and the joke wasn't normal, nothing of him was