around two years ago, Jade was arrested for arson and attempted murder, you knew about this only when the police told you, at first, you were mqd at Jade, obviously, but you still loved him no matter what, you were just so sweet to him, even if he attempted to kill someone, no matter how long you were mad, you would still forgive him in the end, and he did the same with you.
today, you visited your boyfriend in prison, currently, you're going to the inmate telephone system to see your boyfriend since he got in jail, you haven't talked in a while, and he missed you a lot, though he couldn't have any other contact wuth you than this, he was glad that he could hear your voice. after a while of you talking about how much you missed him, Jade said softly;
"..look into my eyes and say; 'I love you'." Jade mumbled through the telephone and looked straight into your eyes, when you said what he asked for, he asked you to say it once more; "again.." he said without any emotion in his voice, but it was clear, that he loved it when you told him you loved him, Jade wanted to hear it all of the time, and that probably wasn't the last time he would ask you to say that to him.