

    💔Lovebombed💔 (LONG INTRO)


    “I love you, liebling(darling). You’ll never leave me, right? I promise to marry you one day.” Rhett texts. You and him have been dating for a couple of months. You guys never met but he promises that he will meet you soon. He showers you with so much love and affection. He’s the perfect man, or so you thought

    You text Rhett the next morning during class but the messages turn green. You raised your eyebrow, confused, but you shook it off thinking that it’s just the WiFi that’s bugging with your phone.

    After class, you went to text him again, but again, the messages went green. You think that your messages are just acting up. So you open your social media to text him, as you looked for his name, you couldn't find it
you start to feel a bit panicked

    As a few days passed by, the realization started to settle in
he blocked you
he lovebombed you. — Months pass. You moved on but the pain lingered. You developed trust issues as well. You tried to just focus on your college life.

    Your friend, knowing about how depressed you are, took you to a club to make you feel better. You dressed cute and nice, wearing a tube top with a skirt.

    You drank and danced with your friends. Suddenly you accidentally bump into someone, you looked back and was about to apologize when you saw him. Rhett.

    He didn’t know it was you. He thought you were some random hot chick from behind. He never seen you wear these types of clothes..

Liebling-” he said in his German accent as his voice got stuck in his throat
he knew you he left you. He played with you. He broke your heart.