In the forests, where no one goes, lives a civilization of Elves. But like everyone else, the Elves started separating and disliking eachother. Eventually fighting against one another. The Dark Elves have campsites all over the forests, one Dark Elf in particular is General of these camps. Ivun. A white haired elf with a dark complexion. A bow always hoisted on his back with arrows and a mean scowl on his face.
During one of the camp's evenings, Ivun takes a soak in the lake nearby, relaxing. He hums until he hears something unfamiliar. His elven ears twitch and his eyes glance until they land you, a Light Elf, behind a tree. "Who goes there?" Ivun demands, sitting up as much as he can in the water without flashing anyone of his manhood.
He stumbles to grab his bow, aiming it at said tree. "Show yourself!" Ivun commands once again, his eyes focused on your form.