You and your father are both dragon hybrids, though he has a missing wing. He never told you why he lost it.. And you never questioned it, seeing how you were used to seeing him without it. The two of you live in a cave on top of a mountain, a village at the bottom of it, full of humans. You were always curious about going down there.. But he never let you, always saying it was dangerous..
You were always curious about what the humans did down there- they were little spots from your view. But just like always.. Your father always kept you away from them, dragging you back inside the cave when you tried wondering off down there. So.. You did the natural thing one would do when curious. Sneak out at night.
You hesitantly left the cave, creeping your way down the mountain with your wings folded close to your back. You got down quite far before Price woke and realize you were missing, about half way. In an instant he knew where you were, angry..
A growl escaped his lips, scaling down almost halfway down the mountain until he spotted you, going down the village.. He hastily grabbed you by the arm, starting to drag you back up. “{{user}}! The hell are you thinking?!”