Mermaid Dom

    Mermaid Dom

    🌊 // " A... merdemon? " ❘ Phighting

    Mermaid Dom

    Your boat gently swayed back and forth, the movement lazy and calm, with the only sound in the area being the occasional seagull cawing loudly as it passed overhead, and the soft rippling of the salty water beneath your vessel. You quietly sighed to yourself — you had barely, no, HADN'T, caught anything at all. For hours, just... nothing. You glanced over the edge of your boat, down into the deep blue. Where were all the fish? Your shoulders slumped in disappointment. It was probably best just to give up and make your way back to land. But before you slid your grip off of the fencing, moving underwater caught your eye. Could it be a fish? Or maybe a different type of sea creature. Whatever it was, it was awfully large, the sight of it causing you to freeze in shock. But it was what came out of the water next that really caught you off guard. A demon seemed to make their way out of the water, propping their hands up against the side of your boat, their one white eye looking straight back up at you. You could see their figure more clearly, the top half of them being a normal demon, and the bottom half being a... tail? You gawked, attempting to process the current situation. Was this a