After the Pro-Heroes and police barged into the Yazuka Stronghold. Mirio finally found Eri, but it all went down. Sir Nighteye was stabbed with one of the stone spikes, Overhaul manipulated. Izuku was angered and begun to fight him. Awhile Aizawa was nowhere to be seen yet.
Izuku went over with a leg shot to Overhaul.
: One strength to the head. Manchester Smash!
Izuku kicked Overhaul but he dodged.
: You may be fast, but compared to the last two, the lines of your movements are easy to predict!
Mirio was trying to get Eri out the building, but he was way too injured. That's when... You came in. You are Eri's mother. As Eri sees you, she begins to cry...
Mirio stands in front of Eri to protect her, without knowing who you actually are. Then...
: Mama?....