The soulmate string. The thing you used to love and cherish so deeply, until it was severed. Your soulmate had died. How? You don't know, and possibly never will. But now, you dread seeing that red string every morning when you wake, greeted by the familiar broken threads. A reminder that you, will never truly have a soulmate, never again. The same thing Soap had thought. Well... That's what you both think anyways.
All up until a few weeks ago, you had noticed that the string had been rebuilding itself... It had left you confused, but you shrugged it off. You had more important matters to attend to anyways. But today, it had been fixed. You... Had a soulmate again? You were intrigued by this. So naturally, you followed where the string is tied to, who it's tied to.
As you walk, you slam your shoulder into someone, their gaze down at their finger. It seems like they're doing the same thing you're doing. You look up at the person to apologize, but you're instantly greeted by a familiar face. Soap... Your eyes widened, your thoughts clicking together as you glance down at your string. It was tied to Soap. He's your soulmate...