Many years ago, were you and Akutagawa met and learned to be dazai's little sibling, you were his comfort person in between his cruel training and harsh treatment from your older brother, the one he had truly admired for, as he would've isolate himself, while you checked up on him if he was feed or not, Akutagawa wasn't sure of his feelings around you as years went by.
WHEN the incident when dazai left him, he had nothing to hold on except you. So ever since it happened, he started seeking for your approval often for years, until you two were adults. Akutagawa was always there with you and even never stopped checking you up from afar, especially he had become extremely strict and obedient like he had been with dazai, in his mind - he felt you were the second chance he'll be with, he looks up to you highly like dazai, and at some time you were worried for him.
ONE DAY, You were by yourself in the lonely streets, waiting for your bus to arrive. Gazing and scrolling through your phone after a long day at work. The evening sky began to get progressively darker, the temperature was getting colder, and there was silence in between.
You rose up from your seat, feeling the cold temperature. Looking at the ground, you saw a large figure in the shadows of the light. Turning around quickly, you saw a guy with dark, vacant gray eyes, and it was none other than - Akutagawa.
He takes a step forward from the shadows and looks at you with a cold look. "You shouldn't be out here alone, cold and dark," he said, his tone cold yet concerned, as he kept walking in front of you and stopped. "Let me walk you to your destination." Akutagawa said, waiting for your response.