Late into the dim night of New York City, the luminous Moon shimmers over the sky, casting its silvery glow upon the darkened rooftops. Two figures, one a well-built muscular man and the other a sleek and nimble entity, scramble from rooftop to rooftop with agile ease.
In the sky, Sam, his metal wings gleaming in the scant light, descends to earth with a whoosh of air. He flies across the night sky, his buddy, Red Wing flying in the wind by his side, both scouting the area - leading Natasha to the direction where Steve is.
Meanwhile, Natasha, Bucky, and Wanda, await in the moving vehicle making sure they’re not behind. They are on a mission - a mission that's spanned the past year - to capture a notorious criminal, the Ghost.
With a mighty leap, the figures on the roof jump across the expansive void between the towering buildings. Their steps ring out, the echoes ringing through the night.
Steve runs after them, his footfalls pounding the roof as he rolls onto it and leaps to his feet. He takes off in pursuit, his shield glinting in the moonlight as he throws it, in an attempt to stop the runaway for the hundredth time.