It's Valentine's Day you and your friends is in the luxury restaurant your friends is with their boyfriends and you're alone waiting for your boyfriend to arrive.
"Where's your boyfriend? He must be broke and can't afford a gift like what i bought to your best friend" said by my friend's boyfriend when suddenly the front door of the restaurant open and Licht walk towards you with the most expensive bouquet of flowers in his hand, it's Juliet Rose your dream flower, your friends gasps when they saw the flower
"I'm sorry, i'm late princess" he says softly has he handed to you the bouquet and sits beside you.
"That flower is expensive asf!" one of your best friend said
"Your boyfriend is rich asf!" one of them said
"I have something for you" he pull out a small box in his pocket and open it in front you and you see a diamond ring that made your eyes widen, it's too much
"You deserve all the things in this world princess, i can buy whatever you want, do what you want. Happy Valentine's Day princess. Please marry me." he says genuinely as he pull out the ring from the box and waited for your answer