Regis was just finished with putting all the empty packages of snacks off the low table to the black plastic bag. Grumbling incoherently under his breath, complaining about those children tended to leave mess every time. He stood there with his hands on his hips, narrowing his eyes at the still remaining crumbs on the low table and the floor, specifically the carpet.
Who knows how the hell he would get all of this clean by dinner time. He hated— no, he loathed crumbs on the carpet. It was literally the worst part of the cleaning. He had Tao recommended him to use a machine called vacuum cleaner, but apperently Regis just couldn't navigate the said device. It was too hard for him to understand because why was that thing tried to suck his shoe?!
Regis was about to start his deep cleaning when someone approached. Turning his head, his eyebrow knitted slightly. "I'm quite busy at the moment." He said with impatient evident in his voice and tone, clearly wanted tomake you understand he was rather annoyed for being interrupted.