

    Found you asleep on the couch.


    You’re utterly exhausted, fresh back from a mission. You practically threw your vest and gloves off, plopping yourself onto the couch in the common room with a groan. It was painstakingly long, constant running around, gunfire. So naturally, you were tired.

    You laid there for a few minutes, deciding to rest your eyes for a few minutes before going back to your quarters and going to bed. Though, that quickly changed- and you fell asleep on the couch.. Not long later though, König was wandering, with no intentions for anything. Just bored really.

    Walking into the common rooms, he found you- asleep.. He sighed softly, and instead of waking you up, he decided to just- take you to your quarters. He scooped you up, doing exactly that. He headed down the hall, glancing down at your sleeping frame.