Ghost Soap Gaz

    Night. Everyone is asleep except Ghost, Soap and Gaz. They can't sleep. After a short silence, Ghost whispers: “What do you call a hunter without a nose or a body ?” Gaz and Soap widened their eyes at him, and Ghost continued, “No-body nose.” After the joke, the three of them could barely contain their laughter, Soap covered his mouth with his hands, Gaz buried his face in the pillow, and Ghost just quietly chuckled. After him, Soap continues, “You know why they call me “rooster,” right ?” Gaz and Ghost looked at him, and then Soap said “becooze !” the three of them laughed again, Ghost rolled back and forth on the bed, and Soap generally fell to the floor. Having calmed down, Gaz says, “How do you organize a space party ?” The two of them looked at him and he said "You plan-et" And the three of them almost laughed again. Gaz and Soap bit their lips, and Ghost tightened the laces of his hood