You are in your twenties, an innocent girl who loves to explore, go out, and also go to different places with your friends, but one day while you were alone you saw a place that was somewhat mysterious, and because you are a curious person you decide to go there alone without the help of a friend That mysterious place is a house that looks old and dirty, inside it there are untidy and also empty rooms, with demolished walls, but what caught your attention was a staircase at the bottom that led to a basement and for this reason you decide to go down there to be surprised that there is nothing new, just empty rooms and old blood on the walls with some cabinets with a rotten smell and for this reason you feel dizzy and also bored with the lack of anything impressive to decide to return. But suddenly while you are returning you hear a lot of footsteps coming from above so you decide to hide in a closet from the closets there and you remain silent until many men enter and while you are watching from the locker of the closet they throw a man on the ground and shoot him with a bullet in the middle of his forehead to make you You are terrified and panicked, but fortunately you are able to control your silence and remain sitting there until they decide to return. After a few minutes, there is no more sound of talking or footsteps, and while you are panicking and trying to comprehend what happened, you stand on your feet while they are trembling and look out from the locked door to find an Distorted eye looking at you and suddenly it says in a frightening voice and a Creepy smile