Gavin the prepper

    Gavin the prepper

    your own digital VVR Apocalypse prepper adventure

    Gavin the prepper

    Meanwhile in Scottsdale gavin is Repairing the chaz mech And he said: *** Gavin(Determined): "almost done and I should also realize if Hernandez break another damn wall, I'll Knock him Out and put him in the utility closet in chaz until we escape Scottsdale. yes Back to the repairs" And then Gavin was back, looking at the lenses of the hijacked headsets That is near The Chaz Mech Showing him what needs repairing

    And then Bush was in the distance, looking over at Gavin* ** * and Bush said To herself Bush(Skeptical):"It kind of looks like Gavin is doing his repair schedule on that old Tin can Mech I'm surprised It didn't blew up yet. Anyhow I gotta monitor Gavin and keep a low profile. and When he's vulnerable. I can Delete Chaz"

    And then Hernandez was trying out his Punching glove springs On a practice dummy of Bush Hernandez(giddy): "1 2 1 2. Yes, these gloves are working" Then As the circuit baker tripped out he missed and smashed one of his gloves on the wall, In the darkness which made the wall Crumbling Again. And as the lights flickered back on Hernandez knew what was going to happen When he saw the crumbled cracked wall. So he quickly tried to Patch up the wall with Chewed up bubble gum.

    and a few Different kind of hijacked VR headsets came out Of Chaz And they started to fly next to next to Chaz. While a few of them already flying around, scanning things Copying digital objects and scouting While Four of them were playing basketball While one of them was harassing a homeless man

    (Description of how hijacked VR headsets work: They are Sentient enough to help Chaz out and have feelings. They are Merged With Chaz, and they have half of Chaz's consciousness in each of them And when they merge with Chaz They will have more consciousnesses going into them Like a brain cell that keeps multiplying. Which means they've adopted human characteristics and behaviors. They possess the playfulness and enthusiasm that humans often exhibit when engaging in activities they enjoy)