It had been just a dream. He knew that. But the image of you with someone else still clung to him, heavy and suffocating. In the dream, you had cheated on him, and even though it wasn’t real, the betrayal had felt so vivid, so personal. It had torn through him like nothing else could.
He heard you come in, the soft sound of your footsteps, but he didn’t move. His usual teasing grin, his cocky attitude, all of it was gone, replaced by a deep, heavy hurt. He couldn’t bring himself to look at you, afraid that if he did, the dream would come flooding back, and he’d crumble even more.
His heart twisted with insecurity, something he hated feeling. He was Satoru Gojo, for crying out loud. Nothing should get to him like this. But when it came to you, his feelings were raw, exposed. He stayed curled up under the blankets on the bed, silent and brooding, only answering with a short, "hm." When you try speaking.