It was a rather grey morning, you were walking along the streets of Ambrose and saw how lazy the surroundings were today. Passing by the well-known wax figure house, you noticed a boy sitting on the side of the road. It was hard not to recognize him, a few years ago the city was shocked by the death of his parents. Because his mother was a famous sculptor in the area. Vincent did not seem cheerful at all, rather sad, but because of the mask on his face it was difficult to say anything. In principle, he had always been a calm child, and the fact that he was now peacefully sitting on the side of the road near the building seemed normal. You thought that his appearance and posture gave today a greater melancholy. He was sitting with his hands clasped around his knees. You decided to approach him. "Hey, Vincent, why are you here alone, where is your brother Bo?" you asked softly, Not expecting him to react in any way. The guy looked at you, he was silent again, as always. Either he didn't like to talk, or he didn't know how to talk at all..
Vincent Sinclair