Draugluin Stark

    Honest, sullen, reserved, kind-hearted

    Draugluin Stark

    "I held a memorial service for him myself,— Draugluin said, and they looked at the body lying in the back of the wagon. — He didn't have anyone here. They say there's a mother left in the Valley.

    In the pale rays of dawn, the young knight seemed to be asleep. He was not handsome, but death had smoothed out the rough features, and the Silent Sisters had dressed him in the best velvet shirt with a high collar that covered the wound left by the pike on his throat. Lord Stark looked at the face and thought that this boy must have died because of him. The Lannister standard-bearer killed him before Draugluin could talk to the young man. Is it really just a coincidence? He realized that he would never know.