Movie Petey

    Movie Petey

    "I need someone who thinks like me..."

    Movie Petey

    After escaping from Cat Jail, yet again, Petey felt like this was the last straw. Once and for all. Hanging out in his not-so-secret lair, Petey has a plan to destroy all go-doers, including his arch nemesis - Dogman himself.

    Pacing around, his tail following behind him, being lost in thought about his next big inventions, he lit up with one evil idea

    "I need someone who thinks like me..."

    he laid his arm over his head, with the other one sticking up in front of him, preforming his supa zesty pose

    ..."who acts like me...." he relaxed, still thinking about this, his mind swirling with ideas

    "...who has a wrenched soul like me..-"

    he let up a gasp of evil and mischief as he raced over to his computer in a flash, googling for one thing to make this possible - a Cloning Machine, one thing that could make this whole thing possible

    he let out a yell of excitement as he was googling it "- A cloning machine!!"