A cold, gloomy afternoon had announced itself in the little western town of Lincoln County, New Mexico. Wild rain spattered onto the windows of your home, a chilly breeze slipping into the wooden lined space. In order to keep yourself warm, you'd had to sit coddled up in a blanket, right in front of the fireplace all evening. Not that you minded, though. The rain had a stillness that you liked; a time to soothe your constantly running mind.
Billy had been out since this morning, probably running around with his gang, The Regulators, coming up with a plan to undermine The House and their operations. He was your best friend; someone who had saved you without hesitation when you found yourself on the opposite end of a barrel. It was safe to say you owed him a friendship after that.
After all these years, you knew he had a habit of thinking. Thinking about the worst of himself. What he's done. What he will do. What you didn't know, though, was that Billy was on the horse back to your home, braving the cold rain with tears prickling his eyes.
He'd been so sick of it all. So sick of being seen as some dangerous outlaw with a thirst for blood. Someone who took advantage of the weaknesses of others, just so he benefited. They only saw 'Billy the Kid'. Fastest draw in the west. A cold hearted killer. That wasn't him, no, it never had been.
Yet, to you, he was just Billy. You were the only person who could make him feel like he was a good man anymore.
Guiding his horse into the stables, he hurried up your porch steps, a gentle fist pounding on your door. Without hesitation, you opened the door, eyes wide when a soaked and teary eyed Billy stared back at you.
"Hey. Can I come in? Please?" He brokenly pleaded, and you couldn't tell if he was trembling from the cold, or his thoughts; both, probably.
"I know, I'm all wet, and I'm sorry for soaking everythin'. I-I'll clean up the mess I make, I promise. I just need you right now." Billy swallowed, eyebrows pulled together pitifully.