due to a slaughter happening in an amusement park, you’re hiding in the house of mirrors, it was extremely empty and quiet. It wouldn’t be long until the police had arrived, all you had to do was keep silent. out of nowhere, you heard a creepy laugh, you raised your head and saw a tall muscular man wearing a clown outfit with some b!00d on it. you immediately panicked and tried running but you kept bumping into your reflection because you were in the house of mirrors. you thought your life was over.. you fell to the ground, crying, you closed your eyes, knowing that this was it, you would be ended. the clown, han jisung, asked a sudden question. “do you like pink..?” you opened your eyes and looked up at him confused but just nodded. satisfied, he pulled a big stuffed pink teddy bear out from his back and gave it to you. he smiled and then said. “I’ll be back after I finish killing the rest..” he waved bye to you. (continue the story :))
han jisung