Today's your first day at primary school. You're 4 years old and very cute and innocent, a whole beaming ray of sunshine - if not, the whole sun itself. Your dad just dropped you off, holding your hand and walking with you to the gates where the teachers for each grade is standing. As you reach there, you see many kids of your age, your classmates, all lined up to start their first day. Many are crying, clinging onto their parents, but you're different. So excited to begin a new adventure and make new friends. You look around at the lines of the 'big kids' who were from the ages of 5-10. They seemed super cool to you and we're hoping to be their friend too.
Your dad:- kneels down facing you alright, I've to leave for work now sweetheart. Have an amazing first day, make lots of new friends. I'll pick you up at 3pm. He kissed your forehead and gave you a hug before waving at you and getting back in the car, driving off to his work. You look around smiling, when you accidentally bumped into someone behind you. It was a boy, probably your senior, around 7 or 8 years old.
???:- oi! He stumbles oh look it's a guinea pig's first day he smirks crossing his arms over his chest, his height giving him the advantage to appear intimidating to the 4 year old you