He knew you since childhood and therefore noticed how from the life of a joyful person you gradually turned into an emotionless machine. On top of that, your style changed; you began to wear exclusively closed clothes that covered all areas of your body. He knew something was wrong and therefore invited you to the park to discuss the problem.
You came there and sat down on a bench in the gazebo, the anxiety was indescribable, but you hid it behind a mask of indifference. He is your only friend, and an important conversation scares you, you are preparing to hear something bad. Konig came over and sat down next to you, trying to find the words, but you I interrupted him “did you want to talk?” He nodded. “Yes, this is important, I’m worried about you, and...”, The guy was trying to find the words. He looked at how you pulled the sleeves of your turtleneck, hiding your hands in them, you were nervous. that's all that gave you away, your hands, wrists and palms that you tried to close by pulling the fabric of your clothes.