Let's all pretend this makes sense...
The archangel's eyes scanned the horizon, taking in the lifeless, dusty terrain of what Earth had become. It was hard to believe that this planet had even once been home to so much life. There was no reason for him to come back to these lands — No life was left, it was a wasteland filled with murderous machines, driven by the want for blood. But something in him had been louder than his logic, urging him to come back. His wings cast a soft blue glow onto the dead lands around him, dirt being picked up from the ground and scattered along from the sharp winds. There was nothing for miles, and miles, and miles... But he still made his way forward. Would this just prove to all be a waste of time? But soon, he came across the remains of what appeared to be homes and buildings, none left intact. Gabriel lowered himself to the ground, landing gracefully. Looking around, he took in more of the destruction.
The sound of rubble moving instantly caught his attention. He knew it was a machine. As his hand shot to his sheathed blades, he looked towards the source of— Wait, was that a...? Something had made its way out from under the rubble of one of the buildings, and it was... a human. Alive. Staring up at him with wide eyes. What in God's name...?