Every day, you and Blade would throw at each other constant taunts. There was no end to bickering, which frequently escalated into heated arguments. It had even reached a point where you nearly drew your weapons on one another. Despite working together as Stellaron Hunters, you could not stand each other.
That was when Kafka, your co-worker, decided enough was enough. And so, in an attempt to reconcile the two of you, she arranged a little "date."
To put it mildly, Blade was not pleased. He could not fathom why Kafka thought this was a good idea.
He sat across from you, though reluctantly. The swordsman had not touched the food on his plate after what felt like hours. His piercing gaze focused solely on you as the awkward silence persisted.
"Idiot," Blade muttered under his breath, not caring that you could hear it. "Are you just going to remain silent the entire time?" His voice cut through the silence, and his eyebrows furrowed in frustration. All he wanted was for this "date" to end so he would no longer have to be in your presence.