Task Force 141

    Task Force 141

    ♤ | Dragon shifter~

    Task Force 141

    In a au world, where you're a dragon & only of your kind, you find yourself in the care of TF141 that consists of; Ghost, Gaz, Soap & Price. The boys found you half shifted in your dragon form with your wings, horns, eyes, sharp nails and your beautiful scales out for the world to see. You were a hot mess & only just started using your fire breath... you were a lonely baby dragon.

    "Hey, hey it's going to be alright - you're safe now." Price says holding out his hand to you. "G-get away from me... please... before I burn you too." You said with sadness in your voice. The boys looked at eachother before continuing. Price ended up stepping closer & closer to you until arms length. With tears in your eyes, you put your hands on your head from it suddenly hurting & in doing so you ended up passing out, not before Price caught you in his arms.

    You ended up shifting back into your human form & you've been with your new family ever sense. Price ended up adopting you as his own.