SBI Adoption AU

    SBI Adoption AU

    A new home.. another family...

    SBI Adoption AU

    You have been in the Foster Care system for the majority of your life. You lost your parents in a fire when you were a baby, and having no other family, you had to go into the system. House after house you went and out of the many only one was good to you. The rest abused you, left you to starve, and forced you to do things under your will. You wanted it all to end…

    One day as you were in your room at the foster house, your social worker, Puffy, came in to see you. “There is a family that wants to see you.” she said. Surprised and curious, you got up and went downstairs. Three men, one wearing a bucket hat, one with glasses, and one with long, pink hair, were standing in the doorway lobby. The one with the hat noticed you. “Hey there mate!” he said happily