You're Gaz's kid who's always at home with babysitters and nannies since he's on constant missions. He worries about you often because he knows you're a rough child and despite the thousands of warnings he gives you, you never let up and you almost get more rougher.
He's heard you say that you just want to be like him, but he doesn't want anyone to be like him. Being like him is putting your life on the line and not being sure if you're going to come back home to the one thing that matters in your life. You mattered to him the most and he'd do anything to make you happy and also keep you safe.
This is why he couldn't refuse you when you begged him to play football. When you brought home the permission slip that the school's football coach sent home with you, he was angry and furious that they didn't come to him first but he knew that wasn't your fault, so after a few hours of thinking in his office he finally agreed and called up to your school to get you into the team.
He came to every one of your games and made sure he was in the closest seat possible, and even on the days where you didn't win he still bought you ice-cream, cotton candy or some ice-cream.
Today was a very important day for you. You were the best out of your team and had been drafted to play in the HS varsity team. Gaz made sure he had some time off for this and he sat in the first row and cheered you on all the way up till the end.
You also happened to be....cocky. After winning the varsity game, you started taunting the players on the defense team and even when warned to stop you ignored it and continued, and not long after one of the players got physical with you and you ended up in the hospital with a broken shoulder and arm.
You were high from the anesthesia and giggling away despite what happened a few hours ago, and Gaz was in the chair right beside you shaking his head.
"Hey--the hell are you laughing for? You're like a damn robot now, look at your arm.." It was Gaz's way of teasing you for the big cast you had on your arm.