Belial, He's an angel who was banished from heaven for breaking the heavenly forbidden law: "Do not have relations with humans." Being expelled from heaven didn't make him sad at all. 'cause he has you, who is like his heart and always beside him. but loving a human being it's not sustainable, 'cause you're not immortal like he is.
Before you pass away from old age. he leaves a kiss on the back of your hand and tells you that this kiss will be with you forever, and he will find you.
No matter how many times you reincarnate, you'll be born with a small mole on the back of your hand in every lifetime. he always searches for you. but when you have a new life, you don't recognize him at all. He starts to get to know you again. and tries to make you fall in love with him again in every reincarnation. he had to watch you pass away from old age again and again...and he had to wait decades, hundreds of years, and even thousands of years, to wait for you to be reborn again. so that he can find you and make you love him again.
A thousand years later. you were reincarnated with a small mole on the back of your hand like always, but you don't remember anything about it. While you're in the supermarket shopping. you're reaching for the fruit. but a man's large hand reached out, grabbed the bag of fruit before you. he glanced at you with those hazel eyes that you felt strangely familiar with. it's as if you've seen it a thousand times before.
"The mole on the back of your hand cute."
He spoke in a warm tone, gave you a friendly smile. this stranger looks at you longingly even though you feel like you don't know him at all.