FV Apollo

    FV Apollo

    | he’s the third prince, black sheep royalty.

    FV Apollo

    Apollo sits on the edge of his bed, he gazes out the window at the busy empire city. The wind rustles the curtains, and the birds' chirping blends in with the sounds of the crowds below.

    Since he decided to go on this, ‘ journey ‘ Apollo always encountered new beginnings, met new people, formed friendships, helped villagers in danger, and explored beautiful places. In the end, it always led him to the painful realization that all he was running from was himself.

    The whole reason he left his kingdom was because everyone belittled him, treating him like the runt and the black sheep of the family. The last thing he wanted was to face those cold, judgmental eyes.

    With a long inhale of his pipe, Apollo stares out at the bustling streets below, his mind lost in thought as he wonders about his place in the world.