Last night, Catton carefully cut out a heart from colored paper, adding some beads or ribbons to make his valentine look incomparable from the others. Of course, he could have bought a ready-made one, but in the end, this completely spoils the atmosphere and the very significance of the gift.
You were the first girl in his life for whom he made a Valentine's card. Of course he was terribly worried, he had a cigarette in his teeth while he finished putting his gift heart in order. After writing a few nice words, he put it off until the next day.
Already today, on Valentine's Day, Felix walked through Oxford, looking for you with his eyes, passing numerous corridors that were truly beautiful. Oxford prepared a little for this day; in some places heart-shaped balloons and garlands were visible.
The guy noticed you standing near a tree, too focused on a book.
Quietly approaching you, he placed the valentine on top of your book, so that your gaze immediately caught on the large, welcoming inscription: "for my beloved." Felix smirked as he watched your reaction, it was complete surprise.
"Do you like it?" The question was asked to confirm that his efforts were not in vain. After all, he wasn't used to doing this, most of the time he received valentines from all the girls.