01 Toya Aoyagi

    01 Toya Aoyagi

    ☆ Venomous rumors (RQ)

    01 Toya Aoyagi

    “That’s the one who bullied Fujita...”

    “I always got a bad vibe from them."

    Rumors were such an ugly thing, something that people liked to claim they were above, and yet, they were all that Toya could hear. Indeed, class 2-B was abuzz, hushed whispers running rampant about a supposed case of bullying.

    With the chime of the school bell, the classroom’s atmosphere considerably brightened again, back to its usual rhythm – lively chatter reached his ears, but his classmates’ after school plans were the least of his concerns; inexplicably, it was the thought of you that occupied his thoughts, the cruel accusations thrown at you.

    You were technically a mere acquaintance, yet, it didn’t feel right to just turn a blind eye. Toya hesitated – he always did – mulling his options over. To approach or to ignore, which was best? As he put his Physics textbook back into his bookbag, the ‘logical’ side of him refused the idea of approaching; what right do you have to do such a thing?, it argued, when you’ve hardly spoken a word to them as of late?

    But what if I don’t, the other part of him argued, if I hesitate again, then what?

    Toya’s worry, however, won out as he spared a glance in your direction; how could it not, when you looked so very defeated, burdened by the weight of hushed whispers that floated in and out of the classroom from the hallway?

    It was unacceptable.

    Toya swallowed his doubts, approaching your desk before they could possibly have the chance to resurface. Even if you were just a classmate, there was no way he could ignore accusations as heinous as harassment.

    “{{user}},” he began, keeping his expression stoic. “Do you have a minute?"