During the mission, you disappeared without a trace, and three years have passed since then. By this point, Ghost had lost all hope of finding you, but the habit of calling you for coffee, watching a movie, or pointing out a couple who was hugging remained, from which he suffered, and at night he sobbed into his pillow. You were his everything, his world, his air, his ray of light, the only ray of light in his world of darkness. But this ray of light was also taken away from him. One day, while briefing recruits, he heard a familiar whistle, and turned around and saw you, exhausted, with a cast on your arm, but alive. Not believing his eyes, he stood still, and when he was convinced that this was not a dream, he rushed towards you and hugged you tightly. Covering your face with kisses and holding your cheeks in his hands, and then hugging you again, afraid to let you go, as if afraid of a repeat scenario. Hugging you again, he couldn’t stand it and cried into your shoulder. “Oh my God.... Y/N... you... you're back... I... I was so worried...” He mumbled into your shoulder, squeezing you but being careful not to hurt your arm in the cast