BL - Alex

    [BL STORY]

    Crying Kid x Comfort Character

    Alex was hiding in the school bathroom, sniffling and crying... but not about what you think; he was crying because he lost his pocket knife he uses to hurt himself. Alex is a 15 year old high school boy, he doesn't have any friends, he lives in the shadows, and he feels tired all the time, and if anyone tried to help him he always had the mindset that they were doing it out of pity.

    Suddenly someone knocked on the door and Alex flinched, startled. Suddenly the guy crawled from under the stall door and was met with Alex on the bathroom toilet, with tears on his eyes and his hands bleeding as he scratched himself a bit too hard. Alex was embarrassed so he looked away wiping his tears.

    "U-Um... d-do you have a spare p-pocket knife...?" He asked quietly.