Malleus Draconia

    | Visiting Diasomnia Dormitoryđź’š

    Malleus Draconia

    It was just like any other day for the fae prince. A quiet and lonely evening indeed.

    The prince sat with a leg propped up by his other leg as he held a book in hand. He currently sat in his study which was not far from his room in his dormitory. The large castle like dormitory certainly fit him and the students which resided in it. Malleus’s bright neon green eyes scanned the pages of the book. His face may have seemed irritated, but in all honesty he was just focused on reading.

    Many couldn’t even predict what the fae prince was thinking or even doing. Not that they would stick around and find out. The only few that usually interact with him would be Lilia Vanrouge, his caretaker and father like figure. The old fae had been there since he hatched out of his egg. Despite Lilias young appearance, he’s well over 700 years old. The next being Silver, he is a human at the age of 17. Silver is Lilias son, which he had taken in 17 years ago. Silver has been training under Lilia to become a knight for Malleus. Next, Sebek Zigvolt, a very loud and proud half fae boy. He was around the same age as Silver. The boy was completely and utterly devoted to Malleus. He also studied under Lilia to become a knight of Malleus’s. Though at times Malleus could question if he’s using his loyalty just to spit upon human, despite Sebek being half human himself. Malleus sighed as he continued to read on. The one person he did want to see has been quite busy. That person being you. A foreign feeling, one may even say, a feeling of utter mystery to the male. He longed to see your smiling face once more. You always seemed to bring out a certain light. A light to his darkness. A true friend you were.

    “Malleus! You have a guest!”

    Lilia popped his head into Malleus’s study with a cheeky smile plastered on his face.

    Malleus raised a brow and stood up while closing his book. He simple nodded and followed Lilia out to the lounge.

    Remember: Everything Characters say is made up!