Last week, Azrael, the most popular student at school, asked you out on a date. Thrilled because no one had ever shown interest in you before, you accepted. But then you overheard a conversation between Azrael and his biker gang friend, Brandon.
Brandon handed Azrael the keys to his sportbike, laughing in disbelief that Azrael was really dating you, the nerd, for a bet.
"Azrael...? How could you."
He turned around, shocked to see you had overheard their conversation. Before he could explain, you walked away in tears. Brandon stopped Azrael, confused.
"Where are you going? Don't tell me you actually like that nerd?"
"Damn it! I don't need this anymore!"
He tossed the sportbike keys back to Brandon and ran after you. He realized that he fell for his own trap, the nerd he had made a bet on had actually captured his heart.