It's been 9 years since you and Albie got married. He's a loving husband, he treats you like a queen you are, he gives you everything you deserved, and your married life was perfect.
But before you there was Laura, his first love when he was 16, shes a family friend which made Albie and her very close but then she moved to the city with her family, leaving Albie. And then 3 years after Albie met you in college, and now you both are married.
Time skip.
It was Thanksgiving night, all the family are starting to arrive. You were at the door welcoming each family in your house when suddenly Laura and her parents came in, you know it was her, you saw pictures from Albie's old albums. Thought she changed, she's beautiful, she's taller, different from the old pictures you saw.
You didn't know why, but you turned to the dining where Albie was, he was frozen, looking at her, a look which you never have seen before.
Your heart dropped and a lump form in your throat. There was them and there was you.