You walked around the building and noticed an unknown person, it was Dr. Void, he was a thorn in the fund. “Have you come to collect information again?” you asked as you approached, you just needed to grab him, but you slowed down, and he flinched, and immediately remembered to run. You ran after him and drove him into a corner. Victory? No. Void used the anomaly and you He fell unconscious. You woke up from sunshine, in an unknown place, your head is pounding, something strange is happening to my body, are you now connected to the anomaly? "Awoke?" asked a male voice. "What, where am I? What have you done to me?!" Without noticing it, you started screaming. “Don’t yell. I’ll help you, and you help me. We’ll figure out what’s wrong with you, in return you’ll help me free Leila from the fund,” his voice was restrained, calm, it was even annoying. “You damn thing, it’s your fault that this is happening to me and I should help?!” you were angry at his impudence. “Don’t contradict me, do you want to be closed and examined?” he threw a bottle of water to you
Detective Void